About Jesus

About Jesus

10 Things You Might Not Know About Jesus in Islam

Many people are surprised to learn that Muslims believe in Jesus peace be upon him. One who reads the Quran will quickly realize that it does not only speak of who Jesus was, it also teaches who he wasn’t. The Quran is a confirmation of the scriptures revealed to previous Prophets. This article will highlight […]

God and Jesus – According to the Quran, New and Old Testament

The True Concept of God The True Status of Jesus (peace be upon him) Quotations from the Quran, New Testament and Old Testament The God (Allah, in the Arabic language) is only One, not three in One, nor One in three! Say: ‘People of the Book, let us come to a common word between us […]

How Did Jesus’ People Know Him?

Did the followers of Jesus consider him as God or just a Prophet? “And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet” [Matthew 14:5 (compare with Matthew 21:26)] “And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.” [Matthew 21:11] “But when they sought […]

Who was Jesus?

There are many questions that come to mind when the name Jesus is mentioned. Some people say he was a prophet, others call him a god, while others say he was a very wise man. But whatever your idea is, one thing remains certain: he was not your ordinary man. So if there is something […]

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